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About Us

    Montana SHRM State Council is looking for volunteers to join our 2024 Board of Directors. If you are interested, reach out to State Council Director, Ronda Wakefield, SHRM-SCP, SPHR at to learn more.

    Montana State Council SHRM

    Mission Statement

    The Montana SHRM State Council mission is to support local Chapters in being highly successful in their assistance to members and others vested in the field; elevate the profession to the highest standards; and provide education, updates and connections among all Montana human resource professionals.       

    Vision Statement

    Human Resource Professionals:

    • Are provided the professional resources they need and want to do their best possible work;
    • Are competent and regularly participate in continuing education opportunities;
    • Are respected strategic partners in their workplace management teams; their work is valued as essential and important;
    • Engage with other vested professionals (managers and directors of organizations, companies and agencies) for their HR professional development; and
    • Value membership in SHRM.

    SHRM Chapters:

    • Provide what members need and want;
    • Are active and successful; and
    • Are a local community resource for HR guidance and information.

    Montana StateCouncil SHRM:

    • Positions are sought after and a succession plan is established;
    • Coordinate THE premier HR conference in Montana each year;
    • Are recognized as the experts in the HR field;
    • Embraces new volunteers and ensures they fully understand what we are about, what we are here to do, and how to do their work; and
    • Devotes time to help HR professionals and Chapters be successful in advancing the HR profession.

    Human Resource Profession:

    • Is exciting and attractive to college students as they choose their career paths; and
    • Degrees are available in Montana colleges.
    Strategic Plan Objective
    • Continue to host a superb Annual Conference.
    • Evaluate and expand our use of technology.
    • Celebrate and market the State Council.
    • Strengthen the relationship between the Chapters and State Council.
    • Expand our outreach to employers.
    Montana SHRM affiliates

    The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world's largest HR Professional society, representing 285,000 members in more than 165 countries. For nearly seven decades, the Society has been the leading provider of resources management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China, India, and United Arab Emirates. For more information please visit



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    Need the 2024 conference information?  Please check out the information on the WHOVA web app: