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Veterans at Work

    Veterans At Work

    The SHRM Foundation believes that a proactive and well-informed veteran employment initiative can mitigate challenges faced by employers and veterans. Through education and awareness, HR professionals can provide effective recruiting, onboarding, training, support, mentoring and retention of veteran and military-connected talent who represent current and potential employees. Here are three reasons why your organization should value attracting, hiring and retraining talented veterans:

    • Hiring and retention of “the right talent” is critical to profitability for any organization.
    • Veterans leverage cross-cultural experiences as a competitive advantage in the era of increased business globalization.
    • Veterans bring organizational commitment and loyalty to the civilian workplace and can effectively integrate and contribute to a team.

    The Veterans at Work Certificate, developed for HR professionals, hiring managers, and front-line supervisors, is a multi-faceted program from the SHRM Foundation and brought to you with generous support from Comcast NBCUniversal. Through this certificate program you will:

    • Learn the value that skilled veterans bring to the civilian workplace
    • Demonstrate your commitment to attract, hire and retain these talented professionals
    • Earn 10 professional development credits toward your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP recertification

    I hope you join me! Register today and start working towards your certificate by visiting:

    If you have a Montana employer event planned we would love to connect with you about this initiative please email me at

    Thank you in advance for your support,

    Ronda Wakefield, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, CPHR
    MT State SHRM Inclusion Captain


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