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2020 Conference Materials


    2020 Montana SHRM Conference - Billings, MT.

    2020 MT SHRM Conference Agenda  

    Conference Survey Links

    2020 MT SHRM State Conference Session Evaluation
    (Please complete this survey at the end of each session)

    2020 MT SHRM State Conference Overall Evaluation
    (Please complete this survey at the end of the conference)


    Please Note, not all speakers have presentations or handouts.


    Wednesday May 6

    Lynn Weddle

    Val Grubb

    Early Bird Sessions 

    Thursday May 7

    Lynn Weddle

    Friday May 8

    LMG Security

    General Sessions

    Friday May 8

    Mike Letizia

    Sabrina Ghouse

    Concurrent Sessions

    Thursday May 7

    Wendy Schermerhorn

    Ris Higgins

    Colene Rogers

    Keynote Sessions

    Thursday May 7

    Val Grubb

    Colene Rogers

    Friday May 8

    Retired Brigadier Carol Eggert

    Mary Sheehy Moe

    Speaker Bio's

    Lynn Weddle

    Val Grubb

    Colene Rogers

    Wendy Shermerhorn

    Ris Higgins

    Mike Letizia

    Carol Eggert

    Sabrina Ghouse

    Mary Sheehy Moe

    What to Bring Checklist

    • Business Cards for networking and Vendor Door Prizes

    • Money for the 50/50 drawings and fabulous Silent Auction items

    • Smart phone, tablet, and chargers to access NEW ONLINE SURVEY and stay connected to #MTSHRM social media updates and information

    • Comfortable shoes

    • Layers – you can never predict the temperature of a conference

    HRCI instructions for those seeking business credit for the conference:

    To claim business credits for certain sessions, you will need to self-report each business-approved session individually. To self-report a session for business credit, you can follow these steps:

      1.  Click "Add Activity" in the Professional Development: Continuing Education (Instructor-Led) category of the recertification application.

      2.  Choose "Conference" as the activity type

      3.  Provide the following information:

      *   Session title and name of conference

      *   A brief description of how the session added to your business/strategic HR knowledge.

      *   The dates of attendance

      *   The number of credits you are requesting (one credit per hour of instruction time)

      1.  In the "Specified Credit Type" field, select Business.

      2.  Confirm submission of activity

    If you have claimed credit for all the business sessions you attended, but there are general sessions you attended that you still need to claim credit for, follow these steps:

    1.      Click "Add Activity" in the Professional Development: Continuing Education (Instructor-Led) category of the recertification application.

    2.      Choose "Conference" as the activity type

    3.      Enter the title as "Conference Name- General Sessions"

    4.      Provide a brief description of the conference as a whole

    5.      Subtract the number of business credits claimed from the total number of credits awarded to the conference. Enter the balance as the requested credit hours.

    6.      Confirm submission of activity

    Please feel free to HRCI by phone at 1-866-898-4724 or visit us online at<